Sunday, August 31, 2014


At first, I did not like you.
It seemed like you blurred my days
into fragmented moments
while I sorted through them, filling
them into small corners of my life.

You knew how I felt about you
and yet, you waited patiently,
till I could hear you from above
the deafening roar, see you
beyond the blazing lights.

I found my comfort in you while
you woke me up to golden
summer days that refused
to let the shadows
of starless dusk peer in.

You whispered to me tales
of a city from a different time.
A time when you and I
were no different than
two strangers in a crowd.

Tonight, I find myself looking
at you from behind the window
panes of my taxi – crowds
of strangers and a distant din.
Yet, we’ve stayed the same,
strangers no more.

*First published by Poets Printery in their anthology, Dilli, an Anthology of Women Poets

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